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Anyang Forging Ring Rolling Machine (D51-Vertical)

CNC Control Ring Rolling Machine is manufacturing forging equipment and forging assistance equipment, both for open die forging operation and closed die forging operation。

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CNC Control Ring Rolling Machine advantage listed as below:
For Open Die Forging Purpose:
1. Pneuamtic Forging Hammers for open die forging operation or preforming.
2. Hydraulic Open Die Forging Hammers for rings, shafts, discs, blocks etc forgings.
3. Hydraulic Open Die Forging Presses with forging manipulator and charging manipulators.
4. Ring Rolling Machine for ring rolling operation.
For Closed Die Forging Purpose:
1. CNC Hydraulic Die Forging Hammer for precision die forgings.
2. Electric Screw Presses for precision die forgings.
3. Whole Hydraulic Die Forging Hammer.
4. Modernzation of the air steam hammer to hydraulic driving forging hammers.
For Assstance Equipment in the forging workshop:
1. Key Wedge Drivers for driving in and out the forging die’s keys.
2. Forging Roll Machine for billet preforming before hot die forging operation.
3. Cross Wedge Roll Machine for preforming before hot die forging operation.
4. Trimming Presses for flashing trimming after hot die forging.
5. Billet Cutting Machine and Sawing Machine
For Steel Balls/ Copper Balls Manufacturing:
1. Special Purpose Pneumatic Forging Hammers for mining balls/ grinding media forging.
2. Steel Balls Skew Rolling Machine and production line.
3. Steel Balls Rounder for ball rounding process after forging.
If any above forging machine be of your interest, please let me know freely, Email: Luca@chinesehammers.com


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