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Anyang Forging Equipment D51 Roll Ring Machine

Diameter control – Axial ring rolling machine, also known as reaming machine, is a numerical control equipment that integrates mechanics, electricity, hydraulics and instruments. It is a very effective method to process high-quality seamless rings with this equipment, and it has many excellent processes. Features; mainly used for rolling bearing rings, ring gears, flanges, wheel hubs, thin-walled barrels, wind power flanges, high-diameter flanges and other forgings

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D51 series vertical type ring rolling machine is widely used in manufacturing bearing outer ring, gearing blank, pipeline flange, welding neck flange in the fields of machinery, auto, train, ship, petroleum and chemicals, aerospace, atomic energy, wind generator. It has advantages of rolling and forming at one time, high production efficiency, improve blank precision, reduce turning remainder, improve steel utilization, improve cutting performance, improve inner quality of forging, good economic benefit.

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